Sunday 10 January 2010


After uploading my footage onto the computer and onto Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5 I have decided to change the beginning of my trailer. The footage I had for my opening trailer hasn’t come out as well as I would have hoped. I had wanted to create the feeling of a crime scene; Ashleigh is supposed to be the sixth disappearance therefore the news reporter is reporting from outside her house. The dialogue is really quite and the medium close up shot is very boring. If I could have made the scene appear more busy or realistic then perhaps it may have worked better as an opening for my trailer; for example, if there were people in the background interviewing parents for clues, or if I had placed crime scene tape along the fence. Unfortunately when filming I did not have access to any of these props nor have the actors willing to play these characters.

I therefore have decided to completely change my opening. Instead of having a news reporter disclosing the information about the disappearances and then later having a shot of Ashleigh looking at several newspaper reports, I have decided to film different newspaper headlines. I will edit them all together in a sequence and make sure not too much is given away to the audience. I will set the basis up of the narrative, the six disappearances, but make sure I do not give too much away. Having headlines at the beginning of my trailer will help focus the audiences’ attention because they have to read the headlines to help them understand the narrative of the film.

I also need to re-shoot several scenes in Little Switzerland because the quality of some shots are not very good. I felt that some of the shots were too repetitive and were all medium shots. I therefore feel that I need to reshoot some scenes and vary the type of shot and angle I film.

To help me keep up to date and on top of everything I have a checklist that I have been ticking off every time I have completed a post. My checklist is just a brief outline of things I have to make sure I include; I have added other posts as I have been expanding on my planning and project.

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