Thursday 8 April 2010

Poster advertising the film.

For my first ancillary text I created a poster advertising my film. It had to reflect my trailer in order to work well as a promotional package. The image I chose is iconic to the film and is shown within all three of my texts. I wanted to create a mystery behind the mask, to scare audiences more and keep them in suspense, which is a convention of horror. Suspense was also what my target audience wanted to see within a horror trailer; therefore it is important that I tried to keep this suspense within my two ancillary texts. I placed the mask on a plain back background so that it stands out as much as possible.

At the top of the page I placed the tagline “You can run, but you can’t hide!” because I feel that it gives away clues about the narrative without giving too much away. Audiences will associate the mask to be the “thing” you can’t hide from. It is also catchy and not too long.

At the bottom of my page I used the logo of the film so that it was the same as the font on my trailer. The title of my film is the largest font on the page so that it stands out. I have also created some credits and placed them at the bottom with the production logos at either side. I have tried to use all the codes and conventions of film posters so that my poster reflects my film and the industry.

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