Saturday 5 December 2009

Audience Research.

For my audience research I created a questionnaire to identify my target audience in order to aim my trailer at the right people. I wanted to find out who my target audience would be and discover more about their lifestyle, for example, how often they go to the cinema, what they like to do in their spare time and if they buy or download DVDs. I also asked what aspect of a trailer makes my target audience want to watch the film as well as what makes a good horror film. It was important that I found out what grabs their attention in order to make a good film trailer. Below is an example of my questionnaire and the results produced from it.

My questionnaire:

I am conducting some audience research for my film trailer and would be very grateful if you could fill a questionnaire out for me. Please circle where appropriate.



2. Age
Under 15




Over 30

3. What is your current job status?





4. What do you mainly do in your spare time?
Watch television

Go on the computer

Socialise with friends

Go shopping

Go to the cinema

Other (please specify)


5. What is your favourite film genre?






Science Fiction



Other (please specify)

6. How often do you go to the cinema?
Every week

Every other week

Every month

Every two months


7.Would you rather watch a film at the cinema or at home?


8. Do you download DVDs or buy them?


9. What aspect of a trailer makes you want to go and watch the film?








Other (please specify)

10. What makes a good horror film? (circle two)



A twist/ the unexpected


Creepy/Psychopathic killer

A chase


Other (please specify)

I handed my questionnaire out to 25 people, both male and female with varying ages. Once I had collected all my results I presented them in pie charts.

1. 2. 3. 4.
7.8. 9. 10.
The results I have obtained have helped to establish my target audience and their lifestyle. Out of the 25 people I handed my questionnaire to, 11 where male and 14 where female. The majority of the participants, just over half, being aged 18-21. The participants in this category and those in the 15-17 tended to be students and those in the over 30 category where either in full time or part time employment.

When participants were asked how they mainly spend their free time the majority answered socialising with friends, however those who answered having a full or part time job said they preferred to watch television. Perhaps suggesting that after a day at work they prefer to relax than having to go out and socialise. Those who socialise will be my target audience as when socialising they may discuss trailers they have seen and upcoming films and may suggest going to see one.

When asked their favourite film genre a variety of results were acquired, however comedy proved to be the favourite followed by horror then drama. Most options got at least one vote, Western was the only genre that received no votes. Some participants selected “Other” and specified Thrillers and Romantic Comedy’s. Participants aged over 30 tended to vote for genres such as drama, Sci-Fi’s, war and action whereas participants aged 15-21 both male and female tended to vote for horror and comedy, with a few selecting musicals, romance, thrillers and romantic comedies.

To help me get an idea of my target audiences’ lifestyle I asked participants how often they attend the cinema. Again, a variety of results came back, yet the most popular answers where every other week, every month and every two months. Participants over 30, tended to opt for rarely going to cinema or every two months, whereas younger participants in the 18-21 category go to the cinema every week, every other week or every month. This supports the results from an early question when asking participants how they like to spend their free time. Socialising with friends was what most participants in the 18-21 category answered therefore suggesting they go to the cinema more regularly as a way to socialise with friends.

I also asked participants if they prefer watching films at home or at the cinema, two fifths of participants said they prefer watching a film at the cinema. This demonstrates the power of a trailer, if a trailer is affective it will make audiences want to go and watch the film straight away at the cinema rather than have to wait till it is out on DVD. Over four fifths of participants said they buy DVDs instead of downloading them.

My last two questions where crucial in helping me make a good film trailer. I asked participants what aspect of a trailer makes them want to watch the film. The most popular answer was the plot, followed by suspense and the actors/actresses that appear in the film. Obviously for my trailer I will not be able to get any actors or actresses that will make my film more appealing, however it will be very important that I make sure my plot will intrigue my target audience as well as have suspense in it to keep them guessing.

My last question asked participants which two things they believe make a good horror film; the top response was suspense/tension. This matches the results from the question before. Suspense and tension definitely seems like an important factor in a horror trailer. Other factors that where popular with participants where a twist/the unexpected, believable and a creepy/psychopathic killer. A chase, blood/gore and murder/torture all also received a few votes but do not seem as popular as other factors. Also when asked to specify what else makes a good horror film one participant said the cinematography and setting which is very interesting and I have taken this into account to help me make my trailer a success.

Overall my results show that my target audience are both male and female aged 15-21, they visit the cinema more often as a way of socialising with friends and because perhaps because they are open to more media so see trailers frequently and discuss upcoming films with friends. Also the cinema is the preferred way of watching a film as well as buying instead of downloading films. A key factor in making a good horror trailer is suspense and tension.

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