Sunday 6 December 2009

Mind map of ideas.

I have created a mind map of ideas for my trailer and used my previous research and audience research to help me. The two most important questions I asked my target audience were “What aspects of a trailer makes you want to go and watch the film?” and “What makes a good horror film?” The top answers in response to the first question were suspense and plot and the top answers for the second questions were suspense/tension, a twist/the unexpected, believability and finally a creepy/psychopathic killer. I will try to include as many of these into my trailer as I can, so that I give my target audience what they want. I will also try and incorporate as many conventions of horror as I can, which I earlier discovered from my research. Below is the mind map I created, it is shows the development of my ideas. I will use this mind map to help me create and develop a synopsis.

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