Tuesday 15 December 2009

Prop and cast list.

White mask
Newspaper articles
Mobile phone

Ashleigh - Jeans and a coat. For the scene when she is walking home, casual clothing.
- Joggers and a hoody. For the scenes when she is at home, also for the scenes when she has been kidnapped, slouching clothes.

Stalker – Dark jeans, black hoody, and white mask.

News Reporter – Grey suit trousers and blouse, smart clothing.

Cast list
Ashleigh – the protagonist, she is an 18 year old girl who is trying to find some clues about her best friend Brooke’s disappearance. She is a smart and determined character, however after she is taken she soon becomes neurotic and apprehensive. I will get Beth to play the part of Ashleigh because she does not mind acting in front of the camera and doesn’t get embarrassed.

Stalker – the stalker is male, not much is given away about this character, he is mysterious, creepy and unemotional. Audiences assume he is behind all six disappearances. My brother, Ben, will play the part of the stalker, I chose him to play this part because he is doing drama GCSE and I need someone who will be prepared to re film if necessary. He does not need to do much acting because his character keeps the same demeanour throughout, he is also stood watching or walking, he never runs when chasing Ashleigh. My brother is a very laid back person so I thought he would play this role very well.

News Reporter – a 30 year old woman who is reporting about the sixth disappearance that has happened. She is normally a bubbly character but is anxious and looks worried about the unsolved mystery of the disappearances. I will get Peri to act the role of the news reporter as she has a distinguished voice and it important that I get someone who will speak clearly and properly when representing a news reader.

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