Tuesday 8 December 2009


The storyline of my film is based around a group of teenage girls who have gone missing. Protagonist Ashleigh, has closely been following the reports of these disappearances trying of find some clue or link as to who is behind the disappearances in hope of finding her best friend, Brooke, who vanished some months earlier. Ashleigh starts to get the feeling she is being followed and it soon becomes apparent she is. Her stalker takes her hostage and her endeavour to escape leads her to discover more than she may have bargained for. However it is important that the resolution of the film is unknown, therefore the trailer will not let audiences find out whom the stalker is, the secrets Ashleigh discovers or if she manages to escape. My trailer will use lots of quick, brief shots to show fast pace which will leave audiences in suspense.

After looking at several different possible names for my film I have decided to call it Evanescence, the definition of which is “the event of fading and gradually vanishing from sight”. I believe this is appropriate to my plot, as a group of girls are gradually vanishing one by one with no clues.

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