Wednesday 16 December 2009

Health and Safety Assessment.

Risk Assessment

I have looked at possible health and safety issues that may occur when filming for my trailer.

The area; Little Switzerland is a well known area and often has many visitors, however I must be careful when taking expensive equipment to film as some of the areas within Little Switzerland are more secluded than others. Therefore I must be careful and think about who may be around, so I will make sure my dad comes with us whilst filming to make sure we’re okay and look after equipment when it is not being used. I will also take my mobile phone in case there are any emergencies.

Consent; I am also aware that filming in a public place can be frowned upon so I will ring the East Riding of Yorkshire County Council to ask if it is possible for me to film in the country park.

Rain; because I am filming most of my scenes in an open outdoor space if it rains there will be no shelter. It is very important that the camera or equipment does not get wet so I will take a big golfing umbrella to cover all equipment to ensure that this does not happen.

Fire risks; I have to be aware of fire risks particularly when filming indoors. I will therefore make sure that all entrances are clear just in case and that all equipment is turned off when it is not being used.

Obstacles; it is important to make my actors aware that much of the ground in the country park is uneven and that they must be careful especially when running during filming. I will take a first aid kit with me as a precaution should any minor accidents happen, again, I will be carrying my mobile phone should there be a more serious accident and I need to contact the emergency services.

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