Friday 19 March 2010

First Edit.

This is the first edit of my trailer. I decided to change several things because I felt that the quality wasn’t good enough and it didn’t flow right. I have kept the beginning with all the newspaper articles the same; however it was before I had made them black and white. The title screens are also the same up to the six disappearances, except they do not have the voice over on. It was after the six disappearances that I decided I needed to change it. The shots where Ashleigh is sat in her living room, looks out the window and the stalker appear are all very dark and do not make much sense. The shot of her sat down is very boring and the shot when the stalker appears needed to be much shorter. I re recorded and changed this entire sequence. After the title “One Secret” my editing needed to be much quicker and a variety of shots needed to be used. At this stage all my shots were medium shots which looked very boring. I needed to use a variety of shots and angles so that it added to the sense of panic and create a faster pace.

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